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Fully bio-compatible titanium screw devices designed to replace missing teeth. It is bone integrated or attached to bone in an easy and safe way. They are restored with a crown, a partial denture or total prosthesis on implants either fixed or removable returning the function, aesthetics and total oral well-being of the patient, with an excellent quality of life. According to the patient's conditions, the prostheses on the implants can be inserted immediately after the implant collation or 3 to 4 months after surgery.

The treatment with Implants is directed to a patiente totally or partially edentulous (without teeth), is a treatment that besides providing stability, eliminates the palate of the prostheses. Another advantage of restoration with implants is the replacement of a single tooth, which means that the adjacent teeth are not carved and the structures are healthy.

The prostheses placed with the implants, can be fixed or removable depending on the conditions of the patient and the type of prosthesis selected. The procedure offers a restoration with unmatched aesthetics, thanks to the state-of-the-art technology and computerized systems that aid in surgical and prosthetic planning.


High-quality ceramic crowns in lithium disilicate: They offer a unique aesthetic thanks to its structure and form of manufacture, are very resistant to the fracture and generate a great stability in the long term.

Zirconium Crowns: They are lighter than ceramic metal and offer similar strength. The zirconium is compatible and provides a good aesthetic.

Dental prostheses

There are different types of dental prostheses according to the need of each patient.

Total Upper or Lower Prosthetic: Placed in fully edentulous patients (without any teeth) in the maxilla and / or the lower jaw. The lower prosthesis is always retained with implants to improve prognosis.

Fixed partial prosthesis: It is supported by two or more natural teeth which are prepared to support the prosthesis that will replace one or several teeth and that will be cemented permanently.

Removable Partial Prosthesis: It is a removable metallic structure with acrylic teeth supported by the patient's natural teeth. It is indicated for partially edentulous patients


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